

I’m a writer and illustrator who often gets sidetracked by shiny objects, random ideas and wandering cups of coffee. This site is a way for me to organize all my links and ongoing projects into one place.

What I’m currently working on:

About Me

  • Instagram & Twitter
  • What I am on Tuesday does not define what I can be on Wednesday.
  • Highly-functioning autistic. Diagnosed as an adult, and it certainly helped explain some things…
  • I have one cat and am happily married to my best friend.
  • My hobbies include art, gardening and PC gaming.
  • I’ve lived in 17 different places from Dallas to Toronto, & currently reside in West Virginia. This has made me a master packer, and has also led to a tendency to purge belongings at random while holding tightly onto a few sacred objects.
  • I have an HBA in History and BA in Cultural Anthropology from Wilfred Laurier University. I haven’t done a darn thing with either one of my degrees, but I like to think they have helped me become a better writer.
  • I like testing genre boundaries and have no qualms about jumping over them, experimenting and having fun with it.
  • My favorite animals are turtles and elephants.
  • My favorite color is yellow.
  • Wasabi peas are awesome except when you eat too many.
  • I work best when fueled by Sumatran coffee, Honeycrisp apples and Ramen noodles